Contact Us
Advertisements on our site generate over 100,000 impressions each month and are delivered in full color. Best of all, advertising with us allows restaurants to reach customers who are local, 100% hungry and already searching for food - you won't find a more targeted advertising medium anywhere else!

Why waste your advertising budget on newspaper ads or flyers that few ever read and many will dispose of before they ever leave an impression?

Our advertising packages are targeted, persistent and cheap - starting at $150/month for a custom 300x300 pixel banner of your choosing. If you still don't believe advertising on our site is worth your while, well give you the first month for free! We're so sure you will notice a difference in your revenue, we'll post a printable coupon ad on our homepage for you at no charge. After 30 days of running your ad, if you're not satisfied with the number of customers who bring that coupon into your restaurant, we won't hold you to any further agreements. No contracts, no credit cards, no sales soliciting. Give us a try.

We look forward to the opportunity to speak with you and to the possibility of growing your business.

Contact us today at [email protected]

All The Best,

The Albanytakeout.com Team